Clinic Fees


Physiotherapy includes acupuncture and vertigo/dizziness assessment and treatment.

Private and Extended Health

Depending on your extended health care insurance coverage, we may be able to bill them directly.

Initial Assessment and Treatment: $95
Subsequent Treatment: $85

Motor Vehicular Accident Injury through ICBC

Within 3 months of a car accident, ICBC will automatically provide everyone with 25 physiotherapy and 12 registered massage therapy sessions. Patients do not need to pay any additional fees.


No charge for accepted claims.

Medical Services Plan (MSP)

MSP covers a combined 10 visits annually for acupuncture, chiropractic, massage therapy, naturopathy and physiotherapy. Coverage is based on combined household annual income. We can find out if you are eligible for MSP coverage.

Initial Assessment/Treatment: $40
Subsequent Treatment: $40

Registered Massage Therapy (RMT) Treatment:

Massage 30 min: $70 + GST
Massage 45 min: $105 + GST
Massage 60 min: $130 + GST